Sunday, August 3, 2014



The Botdr4g0n is a focused tool for DDOS attack on SSH BOT management and installation tools for distributed attacks. still has appeal as a tool to add AES to encrypt attack and leave the data protected by a key. Use key [tab] for complete command in tool.

Video Demo


Command main

The main controls are fundamental to the operation of it, used "use create + [host] + [user] + [password]" to the database adds a new bot, then you can use "add_attack" which enables all bot to receive commands.
use status Used for List all BOT added in database;
use create [host] [user] [pass] Create or add a new BOT;
use add_Attack Add the bot to attack;
use set-commad [command] Run the command ALL BOT;

Command of Attack

The attack commands are two tools used to "G3M" and "", this does not prevent the attacker can install other command-line tool to use as pivor attack.
use install_flood Install all bots DDOS;
use install_g3m Install G3m for attack;
use attack_start [target][port] Attack SYN flood all BOT;
use attack_g3m [target][port] Attack G3m website Turbo;

Command Encrypt

The command data encryption with algorithm AES using a key, thereby protecting the entire database of your BOT.
use encrypt [key] Encrypt the data of the Bank;
use descrypt [key] Descryt the data of the Bank;

Command Delete database

Used for delete BOT of database.
use delete_all Delete all BOT of Database;
use delete [id] Clear ID for the database;
use clear_install Delete all tool installed in BOT;

1 comment:

  1. Been using AVG protection for a couple of years now, and I'd recommend this anti virus to all you.
